An Interview with Ghostcrawler: Items Will Never Appear in the In-Game Store

Q: How will you deal with bigger and bigger numbers in the game? Isnt the right time to do something with it?

A: We have considered this problem and we will reduce players stats in the next expansion.

Q: You mentioned that class design will probably break the traditional patten of tank, dps and healer. Does it mean that you will be implement a new class type or the current pattern is planned to be redesigned?

A: We are considering a new class type that provides buffs to other players.

Q: It is a good idea to add pets in vanilla raids, but we want to run these old raids with others. Will you design a new LFR where item level will be reduced to proper levels when players queue for these old raids?

A: Yes, adding pet drops is really nice. The mode you mentioned is a good idea, we may consider it, since it is technically feasible.

Q: When will we have Defense of the Alehouse?

A: Although it is in the PTR files already, you will not be seeing it in 5.4, the release date is still not set in stone yet.

Q: Phasing is very successful. Do you plan to implement a larger one on the existing basis?

A: Our team is committed to make epic games. Phasing has made great progress from the earliest phase to current farm in these years. You can feel these changes. Yes, we hope to make contents related with larger phasing technology.

Q: The graphics of World of Warcraft have been improved continuously these years. How were you able to achieve this? Do you plan to do major changes to the graphic engine to make another leap?

A: As mentioned before, our team is working on constant changes and game engine improvements. We really hope it the game will be more beautiful in the future.

Q: Recently, the Remote Auction house had some security issues. Will Blizzard continue to invest in mobile software or will it stay conservative? When will Pet Battles be available to mobile devices?

A: We will make greater efforts to handle all security issues to avoid accounts being stolen. As for Pet Battles within the mobile app, I don’t want to make any statements to this rumor at this time.

Q: Players often complain about class balance and group forming issues in Wrath of the Lich King expansion. You have solved many problems after taking office, yet players still complain to a large extent, can you think of a reason why?

A: Players are always complaining. In fact, our changes during these years make the game much more balance than it was before.

Q: Are you planning to implement Hearthstone within World of Warcraft?

A: The addition of the Hearthstone chestboard in the game files was just to display the models that NPCs are playing.

Q: The upcoming in-game store is a cautious attempt, since you only plan to sell potions and Lesser Charms of Good Fortune. Will you add any other item is the future that will affect game balance? Why do you plan to test it in the Asian region first?

A: Yes its cautious. The store is designed to bring convenience to players. You can buy items for transmog, mounts, pets in the future, without logging out of the game. These experience items are designed to be convenient for players to level their alts. As for the Charms, we want to make convenience for those who don’t have time to do daily quests, but want items to catch up with their friends. For example, I don’t have time due to a business trip to China this week. These items are designed to save the time of a player. Items that increase players stats will never appear in the store.

Q: 5.4 seems to be the last patch of this expansion. Have you started working on the new expansion? Will you announce it on Blizzcon this year?

A: Patch 5.4 is the last content patch, but we will release bug fixes and balancing patches after that as usual. A preview content patch will also be released pre-expansion. Blizzcon is a good time to tell something about that.

Q: Last question. Will the bill that allows Shamans to cast Hearthstone be instantly passed? New icons and Totem models do not satisfy Shamans!

A: Shaman will get a lot of love in 5.4, expect it!

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